Keywords: internet, addiction, studentAbstract
This study was carried out to determine and compare the internet addiction levels of university students studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences and the Department of Computer Technologies. 300 (age; 21.92±2.94 years) undergraduate students studying at Faculty of Sports Sciences and 300 (age; 21.35±1.20 years) undergraduate students studying at Department of Computer Technologies participated in the study. In the study, the “Internet Addiction Test” developed by Young (1998) and adapted into Turkish by Bayraktar (2001), was used to determine the internet addiction levels of undergraduate students.
Data analysis was done with SPSS 21 package program. Independent t test was used for statistical analysis. It was observed that the internet addiction levels of all undergraduate students participating in the study were in the "limited symptomatic" level. It was determined that the internet addiction scores of students studying at Department of Computer Technologies were higher than those of Faculty of Sports Sciences students, but the scores did not differ statistically significantly according to the department they studied (p>0.05). Internet addiction scores of male students were statistically higher than female students (p0.05). As a result; Internet addiction levels of undergraduate students studying at university are at a level that shows a limited number of symptoms. Studying at Faculty of Sports Sciences and Department of Computer Technologies does not differentiate this situation. Males show more symptoms than females.
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