Security Concept in the Perception of the Changing City: Smart City and Smart Security Applications

Security , Urban Security , Smart City, Smart Application, Information and Communication TechnologyAbstract
The concept of security, in its most general sense, refers to freedom from threats to the basic values of individuals and groups. The first purpose of every living thing as soon as it is born is to preserve and maintain its existence. Like all living things in the world, states have also acquired the aim of preserving and maintaining their existence over time. Throughout history, people have built cities to feel safe and have made the area they live in safe from all kinds of violence and danger. But today, cities continue to grow day by day and their population continues to increase rapidly. This situation has brought with it the increase in crime, violence, terrorism, disruption in basic city services such as transportation, health, education, housing, employment, unemployment and many other problems. The foremost need for the solution of all these problems is the need for security. However, as the perception of the city changes, the concept of security also changes. Information and communication technologies, which develop at a dizzying pace, cause the necessity of making cities smart, as well as the fact that the security phenomenon has become smart. The subject of the study is to examine the change in the understanding of security as cities become smart. The aim of the study is to see how it approaches the issue of security in the smart city concept, which is a new concept and includes many components and tools. Literature review technique was used as a research technique. Looking at the results of the study, it is seen that the city and its people produce sustainable and innovative solutions in a very comprehensive area from drinking water safety to cyber security, pedestrian and traffic safety and health safety, with smart city applications.
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